Zinnebir@20 - send me your stories!

In case you may not have heard - and, if you live in Brussels, you’d have to been living under a rock not to notice - in October 2022 Brasserie de la Senne celebrates the 20th anniversary of the first ever brew of their flagship Zinnebir and the founding of the brewery.

Now, I’ve written at length about the importance of Zinnebir both to me and to the origins of this very website. I would urge you to read my article about it here, at Pellicle. I’ve also written several times about Zinnebir’s - and Brasserie de la Senne’s - backstory, which you can read here, and here. You might even call me a Zinnebore.

I’ve said my piece, so now it’s your turn. Ahead of the big birthday in October, I want to hear your Zinnebir stories - drinkers, writers, brewers, barmen, and anyone else. How did you discover it? What was your first experience like? Your best? Your most recent? Or your most vivid? What is its importance to you? Or to Brussels? If you’re a brewer, has it, and Brasserie de la Senne, influenced you and the beers you make? How?

Just make it personal!

Fill in the the form below, keep it brief, and check back in closer to October for a round-up of the best submissions.

Zinnebir@20 - submit your story

Eoghan Walsh